Sunday, September 23, 2012

27 weeks!!!

I cannot believe how quick the 2nd trimester has gone! The first 12 weeks was like watching water boil.  Maybe its because I was hanging onto my death bed for the entire 1st trimester and the last 12 weeks have been really NOT SO BAD! Of course I have my list of "i could do without's," but overall life has been pretty good as a preggo Hen.
Lately I have been battling what I like to call "fire in the hole"--- basically no matter what I eat and no matter what time I eat it, I get the WORST indigestion and heartburn known to man. I have tried food testing to see if maybe there are certain trigger foods, I've tried drinking smoothies for dinner, I've tried sleeping in a recliner,... the list goes on. Tums are my BFF these days, and Pepcid AC if I get the timing just perfect seems to help too.  From girlfriends that I've asked for relief suggestions from, I've gotten:
eat pineapple, grapes, papaya, ginger AT NIGHT
drink whole milk AT NIGHT
put a cold ice pack on my upper stomach before going to sleep
drink seltzer water at night before bed

I just got back from the store with all of these things-- Adam has become numb to the shananagans that I've become subjected to. Tonight I will start trying all these things one by one. I think i'll start with whole milk since that sounds like liquid ice cream :)

2 weeks ago I had my first of two Baby Showers!! This shower was in Arizona, thrown by a couple of my best girlfriends. It was just the cutest shower I've ever seen. The theme was 40's Vintage and the colors were all those of the babies room-- aqua, green, yellow, red, orange, black, raspberry.
Adam and I flew in together and stayed at the Phoenician. We decided to double up the vacation and make it a babymoon as well. We hadnt been back to AZ since our move in April. I was curious to see whether I'd miss it or not-- maybe get a little sentimental. I can honestly say I didn't miss AZ but more so I really miss my friends a lot, I miss the familiarity and knowing my way around.  I have so many great memories in AZ, I grew up there and really became who I am there, but I am loving my new home. Its also really interesting to be away and think you are missing out on SO much, but then going back, you realize that all your friends have their own lives to lead now and I'm not really missing as much as I think.  I feel like my life is richer now having all my old great best friends and a place I can think about and smile, but also now having new friends, and new experiences to add to my life and memories. Okay-- enough sappy talk :)
The shower was fabulous! I got a million awesome childrens books, great gifts, and lots of fun talks and time with my friends. It was a super weekend. Adam and I had a great great great Babymoon to top it off!! My next baby shower is being thrown by my two sisters up in Cleveland on Oct. 6th. I can't wait!

The babies room is officially FINISHED!! I need to post some pictures of that too.  I still have a few  things left to get as far as "stuff" goes--but I need to wait to buy until after my next shower.
I have my maternity photos booked for Oct. 20th. They will just be of me. Adam was less than thrilled about being in photos where he just stands there and pets my big belly and grins. I dont blame him. Honestly I think maternity photos are for the woman more-- thats just my opinion, people would disagree with me I know. I just think men really dont even come to grips that theres a baby on the way until its coming out of your vag on D-day. So ill be doing my pics solo, and CANT WAIT! Especially because its coming into fall season here and the trees and leaves at sunset could just kill you they are so pretty!!

Working on the baby books and memory lane scrapbook lately-- thats a task and a half, but really fun to go thru all the memories of my pregnancy and pre-pregnancy. Some of the journal entries I have of my last 3 years of trying/not trying/trying/ not trying saga are HILARIOUS! I think the babies and I will get a kick out of reading them all someday.

Next week I will be turning the corner to my 3rd tri!!

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