Sunday, October 28, 2012

32 week stats!

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 32lbs 

Maternity clothes? I am hating clothes in general lately. I have maternity clothes that fit, but I'm sick of them, and I hate to buy more. So, instead, I pretend to fit into my old clothes and layer about 4 shirts over jeans with boots. done.

Stretch marks? nope, halleluiah!

Skin, Hair & Nails: no complaints there. I feel grateful i havent had to deal with breakouts- id die.

Sleep: I hate sleeping. Actually I shouldnt say I hate it, id love to be able to sleep!!! I would love to sleep on my back, soundly. Instead, I have to sleep sitting up, while wearing wrist splints, and a belly band. The wrist splints are for the lovely carpal tunnel I have gotten and the belly band is to help relieve the round ligament pain I get at night. Its quite a sight.

Worst part of the week: I would say the day of our Baby Basics class. I left excited but totally overwelmed and cried the whole way home. Thank you hormones.

Miss anything? I just want to lay on my back and stretch out and get a regular massage. I dont miss any particular foods or drinks really. I do miss feeling energetic at the gym. I cant wait to ditch the indigestion and carpal tunnel!!

Movement: They never QUIT!  I'm surprised they are still head down, because I swear I feel them flip flop.

Food cravings:  pumpkin anything. pudding. Pears.

bananas. frosted mini wheats.

Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of eggs being cooked- gag!!  Lately just talking about food makes me sick. I am so over food really, it all make me not feel so hot, so in return I could care less about it.

Gender:  surprise... I cant wait!!!  We are finally finalizing names. Has it taken us long enough!!

Labor signs: I get contractions ALL THE TIME!! They dont worry me, but they arent comfortable!

Symptoms: indigestion, heartburn,braxton hicks, carpal tunnel.

Belly button in or out? i wouldnt say its out, but its not in and its not paper flat anymore. Its not a pretty little button anymore :(

Can you see your toes? HAHA is that joke?

Happy or moody most of the time: I feel pretty good most always. I feel like I  have cried more lately just feeling a little nervous that I am not prepared. The delivery and all that doesnt worry me,its bringing them home I am worried about.

Looking forward to: My due date!! 12/12/12

32 weeks! ... apparently this is a milestone

I'm officially over the 32 week mark by a shade. What can I say about it?... Well, I guess I can be thankful that I still feel awesome for the most part. My belly is huge!! I would even say that huge is an understatement. I swear my belly grows straight out by the second. I have no idea how my stomach muscles are even supporting it. I still am getting to the gym every morning, although I'm taking much longer to get it all done as I move at an incredibly slow pace.  The babies are moving constantly!! It seems like they are taking turns. One day twin B is break dancing all day and the next, twin A is doing summersalts and back flips. Thankfully they are both still head down, so my hopes for NO c-section could be a reality.
Monday we went in for our hospital tour. That was really fun. We got to see the normal labor and delivery rooms, nursery, OR room for c-sec, NICU, and the areas that guests and family can stay. The hospital we will deliver at is called Riverside Methodist. Apparently they had a maternity/L&D reality show filmed there a couple years ago. Its a pretty awesome hospital, #1 in the state for labor and delivery. I do feel really safe there. Only thing I wish I could change about my delivery would be that I would be able to labor and deliver in a normal birthing room rather than an OR room.  No matter the delivery method I have, I will have to be in an OR, just in case of an emergency C-sec.  Its ok, I can deal with a cold sterile room for the health of the twins.
We had our normal weekly doctor appt on Thursday. We got some EXCITING news!!
Induction is on the books and scheduled for Dec.12th !!
If the babies decide to come sooner, the doctor said she hopes they chose to come after Thanksgiving so that they are almost full term. But on the 12th, we will be 2 days away from 39 weeks and ready to get them outta this belly!! I am pretty convinced they wont come on their own. They love it in my big warm belly and have no plans of moving out.  I kind of like having a date to look forward to. 12/12 is a cool birthay. I would never have dreamed my delivery would fall on that day. Very cool!!
Saturday we had another baby prep class. This class was targeted towards dads, but was informative for me too. The class was called Baby Basics. It taught diaper changing, cord care, circumsition care, swaddling, feeding, sleeping, bathing... on and on. Great class, and I know Adam learned alot.
I am still working on getting all the necessities for the twins arrival. I think I have it all, but I think of some random things while I lay usually not sleeping and thinking.
I just finished reading a book called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins and it has me wondering how this whole breast feeding thing is going to go down. I hope its not rocket science. Back up, Ill pump and supplement with formula. I dont know how some women make so much milk they can freeze it!! WARRIORS!
Look at this badass mama... breastfeeding while holding a machette!! I wonder if she could be my lactation consultant?

What else?? Holidays are coming up! So excited for that. The weather has been PERFECT Fall weather. I love it so much!!!!
Speaking of, my maternity pictures turned out great. I had them done in this gorgeous metro park by our house. The leaves were all different colors and the setting couldnt have been better for the look I wanted. I get the disk next week so I can put a few pictures up.

Tomorrow we have our 1st of 6 anatomy scans at the hospital. I cant wait to see my little peanuts!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

28 weeks- 3rd trimester!

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain: 30bs

Maternity clothes? absolutely. although I still wear my pre-preggo tanks and tee shirts. I look like fat 12 yr old

Stretch marks? NO WAY!!!

Skin, Hair & Nails: hair and nails are awesome, skin has seen better days.
Sleep: I hate nighttime. Sleeping would be fine if I wasn't Pete's Dragon. I breath fire at night. Screw off indigestion!
Worst part of the week: I can't say I have one. It's been a pretty good week. I've felt a little more tired than usual maybe.

Miss anything? being able to go to bed and lay down. sitting up to sleep isn't fun for anyone. and being able to eat and have it just digest. I swear I am full for hours on end after one little morsel of food.

Movement: I'm pretty sure they are trying to dig their way out. they never stop moving, EVER!

Food cravings:  Cereal lately and whole milk. I especially love Life cereal.

Anything making you queasy or sick: everything makes me feel queasy initially. But what wouldnt, when you can taste what you ate for hours- its sickening
Gender: It's a SURPRISE!!! but now the heartrates are lower 127 and 132. boy boy boy boy
Labor signs: I got braxton hicks all the time now, everyday. they arent painful, but very strange feeling.
Symptoms: indigestion, heartburn,braxton hicks

Belly button in or out? its pretty flat still, sometimes i see little nub under my gym shirts, but its not out as much as I have seen on other moms.
Can you see your toes? heck no

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm pretty mellow. I tend to laugh at things a lot more than bitch or feel punky, but who knows what the next 12 weeks bring to this show.

Looking forward to: My shower this Saturday and my maternity photos on Oct. 20th.

NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO: the glucose test tomorrow-- bleh!

3rd Trimester!!! Cannot.Believe.It

I cannot believe I am in my third trimester. I simply cannot. I still remember the two solid weeks of me peeing on sticks in disbelief-- "you're welcome First Response for supporting your company."
Last Saturday was the 28 week mark. I am thrilled to be here!! One, because I'm that much closer to meeting my babies, but more importantly I feel AWESOME and my doctor said everything looks text book perfect. I never thought I'd run into issues, my gut never gave me that feeling, but I read so much(probably too much) on twin pregnancies hitting unexpected bumps in the road for no apparent reason, leaving Mom on bed rest and/or worse.
I should be knocking on wood as I write this because I am still only at 28 weeks, but I am feeling pretty confident I will sail thru. The doctor said that she could see me getting to 38-39 weeks and need to be induced. I do not want a C-Section, which is why the inducing would be necessary rather than a scheduled surgery. Both babies are head down, which totally helps my delivery wishes, lets just hope they stay that way. My doctor told me to keep up the exercise, it helps keep them head down as well as a ton of other pregnancy and delivery benefits. So I'm still dragging my large ass to the gym daily and am a total spectical for the gym go-ers.
So I've had WICKED heartburn and indigestion!! Absolutely horrible! It's been going on for about a month now. We went to my high risk doctor on Monday and had some more 3-d images done. SURE ENOUGH--- we got HAIR! Lots of hair, and it stands straight up in the air. So it looks like both of my babies will have little balls of yarn on their head. So cute right! And since I still think I'm having boys, they will have perfect comb overs :) LOL
I would say other than the belly of FIRE, I'm not really having any big issues. I feel huge, although its all in my belly so I can't complain too much. I think for halloween I'm going to be a black widow :) spider belly and 8 legs.

On a totally separate topic-- FALL is here!! I couldn't love it more. I literally could rear end cars staring at the beautiful trees. And finally the weather is cooling off, 60s !!!! LOVE.LOVE.LOVE
