Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bikini Blunders

Alright, I'm fed up with this whole trying to see my Queen Bee to shave and trim and keep things all tight lined and pretty. For one, I would have appreciated knowing that all the time and torture of laser hair removal was a waste, because pregnancy hormones bring it all on back... Secondly, I can't even see the damn turf anymore to do anything about it.
I contimplated just sitting on a towel on the bathroom floor in front of a mirror, with every tool and razor I could find to try and Edward Scissorhands my way back to some sort of dignity. But then, I realized that there would be areas I know I'd miss, and I'd end up looking like a half eaten piece of corn on the cob.
Waxing you say is the answer... Um, have you ever had a Brazilian Wax? If not, I suggest you take a shot of Tequilla and give it a whirl. You will be screaming choice words way more profrain than "Kelly Clarkson."  Ya know, I'm actually a little pissed to find out that they don't offer a full Brazilian after they shoot you up with the epidural... could there not be a more perfect time to have someone rip your soul out thru 300 million tiny hairs, I don't think so.  I'm afraid, DEATHLY AFRAID, that waxing may be my only answer... either that, or I'll just get myself a "hot pink" colored Fun Betty Dye Kit to dye the disaster I have going on, and enjoy the party at my next OB visit.

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