Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Seriously this cramping has to stop!

Do you want to know why I was so anxious to test early? Because it currently feels like a monkey is swinging from one ovary to the other all day long. The cramping I feel is comical really. I don't know if I've ever had anyone or read anywhere that cramping is a sign of pregnancy, not just little "ooo that kinda hurt"... no, more like "holy torpedo my uterus is under internal warfare."  That, is why I made Adam flip a U-Turn into the nearest CVS so I could run in and grab a test, and some Starbursts(because why not right?!?).
I was totally convinced my period was going to start. I never have periods normally, so one can only assume that this is what it would feel like. And, you can bet your ass that if that test came back negative I'd be ripping into the Tylenol bottle like a raccoon. 
So, even better, is positive--happy... but Jaime is stuck in misery with no Tylenol-- sad news! At least I can eat my Starbursts and listen to my thighs begin a new growth spurt :) Cheers to me!

~~ Jaime

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