Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dear Friends that have had Babies... shall I remind you about early pregnancy, because you didn't give me any warning!

Dear Friends who have had children,
Lets take a trip down memory lane, shall we...

Week 5: Bloated, Cramping, Insomnia, Tender stomach, worry and stress about even being pregnant still, feeling full, clothes fitting just tight enough to be uncomfortable, and lets not forget the constipation.

Does all that ring a bell? Cheese and flippin Rice ladies--- I would have told you about this, or is it that "i didnt ask?"  I would lick the sidewalk to lose the weeks worth of extra food I've eaten. And, the feeling of a blow torch being held to my boobs is enjoyable-- I've heard sore, but for future reference, I'd actually recommend saying your nipples will be "burning like fire" instead.

I am worried-- all that I feel, is not what I read you should feel. I want some reassurance! I want a ultra sound or blood test again. I am half tempted to go pee on another "GOLD$$" stick.

Sighhhh... Monday can't come soon enough. Oh, and bonus, here I've been eating flax seed- like i normally do on my yogurt and now I find out that it could cause hormonal disrupters. DAMMIT!!!  To the trash that goes.

Ill be ok-- just normal stress I guess, which I imagine IS a classic symptom of pregnancy!!


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