Thursday, May 17, 2012


Almost at 9 weeks..."How am I feelin?" you ask... Rotten.  I had no idea that morning sickness would feel this way. Don't ask me how I thought it would feel, because honestly I don't know. I guess you just can't ever envision feeling the actual feeling of sickness.  It 24/7 nausea. Not always throwing up, but the persistent nausea never LEAVES! I can't handle this much longer. It's slowing me down. I get up, feeling "ok", VERY HUNGRY in the morning. Lately, I've been making some hot oatbran. That seems to be perfect for me. For breakfast, yogurt is all that works out usually. Then I'm back to sick-- laid up, crying, begging for mercy, S-I-C-K. It comes in waves most definitely. One minute, I think maybe I'm ok. Next minute, I'm curled up around the toilet. 
I've managed to keep food down pretty well when I can stomach. Very particular about what I eat though. I find I have no appetite at all most of the time. But when hunger strikes, I'm pretty dead set on whatever my mind is telling me. Chicken Salad/Cheddar melts with pickles was on the menu today-- toasted. Awesome, and stayed down-- WINNING!
Tonight, I am going to try some rice and a little grilled salmon. Sounds okay now, but give me a few hours- I may change my mind.
So guess what tomorrow is... FIRST ULTRA SOUND!!!! happy dance. 
Hopefully I don't break their scale. I'm sure I've gained weight-- I feel like I'm packing a dozen trays of biscuits underneath my clothes. Its very attractive. Especially when I cinch it in with a nice belt. LOL

~~ Jaime

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